Smalfllower Hairy Willowherb – benefits, what it is and uses

Imagine a humble plant that has been a trusted ally in health for centuries. From soothing stomachs to supporting men’s health, the Hairy Willowherb (Epilobium parviflorum) has an impressive resume when it comes to healing. This wildflower might seem like just another pretty plant, but its medicinal powers have been known since the 17th century. […]


Amygdalin – The natural Vitamin B17

Amygdalin is a naturally occurring chemical that is widely mistakenly recognized as an effective cancer treatment. This element is found in many plants, but most notably in the seeds of apricots, apple seeds, bitter almonds, and plums. It is classified as a cyanogenic glycoside because each amygdalin molecule includes a nitrile group, which can be […]

natural source of Vitamin B17

The best natural source of Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is one of the important vitamins for the body, which medical studies recently shed light on to know the great benefits that this vitamin contains, as medical studies discovered through laboratory experiment the presence of the substance Amygdalin or the substance Litriel, which is a substance responsible for the excretion of this vitamin […]

Therapeutic Properties of BioBran MGN-3

Therapeutic Properties of BioBran MGN-3

Introduction and History In 1992, Hiroaki Maeda manufactured and produced BioBran in Tokyo. He wanted to find out natural and organic phytonutrient functions for agriculture and humans and also about polysaccharides that are known to fortify the immune system substantially. He started working with Daiwa Pharmaceuticals two professors from Drew University (Los Angeles) helped him […]

BioBran MGN-3 for the Treatment of Cancer

BioBran MGN-3 for the Treatment of Cancer

In the past few years, the function and nutritional value of these nutrients have been investigated enormously. It was found out that BioBran MGN-3 serves a significant role in anti-inflammatory reactions, reduction in plasma lipid effect, and anti-cancer activities. Furthermore, it has been found that BioBran MGN-3 is used for the treatment of cancer patients. […]