How does it work?
Valerian root-100%
Internally: for nervous exhaustion, for the regulation of the heart functioning, with insomnia, hysteria, fear, high blood pressure, and menstrual dysfunction. In cases of hysteria, the effect of valerian is increased in combination with mistletoe, and in cases of insomnia – with hops.
Externally, it is recommended in the treatment of eczema and minor injuries.
Use: 1 cup of tea 2-3 times daily.
Externally: a steamed brew of 100 grams of roots.
Preparation: 1-2 teaspoons of chopped roots soaked in ¼ liter of cold water for 12 hours.
Brew: 100 g of valerian root in 2 liters of boiling water, leave to soak for 2 hours.
Note: Contraindicated for patients with liver problems.
Store in dry and well-ventilated premises.